Barry Johnson, founding partner of Polarity Partnerships consulting group, shares why And-thinking is vital for you – our elected officials – to craft and pass effective, bipartisan, and durable legislation. In this snapshot Barry walks through one of the key polarities behind the national COVID-19 crisis: Economy And Health.

OVERVIEW VIDEO (12 min 37 sec)

In this video overview Barry Johnson defines polarities, introduces Polarity Thinking, and discusses how each of the four Biden-Harris priorities is supported by a chapter in And: Volume One.

The video below and the chapters in PDF are collected specifically for elected representatives of both parties, and are intended to inform and support your efforts to create and pass legislation that benefits all Americans.

The Biden-Harris Priorities …

  1. COVID-19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

  2. Economic Recovery - - - - - - - - >

  3. Racial Equality - - - - - - - - - - - >

  4. Climate Change - - - - - - - - - - >

… Are Supported by Four Chapters in And: Volume One

  1. Editorial: Individual Freedom And The Common Good

  2. Ch 7: Abundance for Some And Basics for All

  3. Ch 22: Claiming Power And Sharing Power

  4. Ch 30: Country And Environment

A Note From Barry

Though I am not an experienced politician, I have over forty years of experience dealing with the phenomena of polarization and resistance to change in private and public systems. From this experience I can share some realities:

  1. Chronic polarization occurs when tension between two groups is based on an underlying polarity. It becomes chronic because polarities (interdependent pairs) are unavoidable and unsolvable. Either group’s “solution” is a false choice.

  2. Resistance to change, when based on an underlying polarity, will contain both the wisdom of those proposing the change And the wisdom of those resisting.

  3. Polarity Thinking addresses both of these tensions by seeing and leveraging the underlying polarity providing faster more sustainable results.

As an experienced politician, Republican, Democrat or Independent, you are dealing with polarization and resistance to change every day. It is my hope that combining your political experience with Polarity Thinking will support your efforts on behalf of all of us and a Thriving USA.

We look forward to supporting you and your team’s efforts.

~ Barry


John Scherer and Agata Cielarska host Barry Johnson as he gives a rigorous introduction to polarities, including a brisk walk-thru of the four polarities that support the four newly-announced national priorities of the Biden-Harris administration.

Starting with the basic distinction between a problem and a polarity, Barry quickly advances into the energy flow and dynamics in all polarities. He then animates through colorful graphics on his signature Polarity Map®, he reveals the hidden reasons behind polarization and resistance to change, as well as how to leverage the tension in the system for optimal outcomes for all stakeholders.


0:08 Welcome by John Scherer
0:26 Barry gives context for the Thriving USA Initiative
3:51 Define problem and polarity
5:45 Polarization and resistance to change
8:45 Polarity example: Activity And Rest
10:38 Polarity example: Activity And Rest on a Polarity Map
16:15 Four Biden-Harris priorities = polarities
1. COVID-19 = Individual Freedom And The Common Good
2. Economic Recovery = Abundance for Some And Basics for All
3. Racial Equality = Claiming Power And Sharing Power
4. Climate Change = Country And Environment

18:25 Polarity Map: COVID-19
22:29 Polarity Map: Economic Recovery
26:00 Polarity Map: Racial Equality
30:22 Polarity Map: Climate Change
32:45 Review: four polarities and four priorities
32:55 Pattern; Republican And Democrat
36:42 Review: Polarization
37:00 Review: Resistance to change
37:23 Polarity Partnerships' 5-step SMALL Process
38:00 Contact info
38:14 Thanks